Thursday, November 15, 2012

#2 revised Convinced

As your reading "They Say" you are agreeing with everything Rushkoff Douglas is saying. You are agreeing with how you are scammed into thinking what others think, to buy more than you know you don't have the money for, and to look through the eyes of how others see. The whole time your reading, you are agreeing with him noticing that the same situations happen to you on an everyday basis. Then coming to the end of the article you realized, he just scammed you the way you are scammed in every day life. I start to laugh and realize, that some how, some way this just isn't fair. But how is it fair for everyone to do it on a daily basis to people they don't even know? How can people draw your attention to an object and then convince you that, this is the product you have needed in your life from day one? Its so crazy to think how this is done every single day of your life and until someone like this author brings it to your attention, you are never really aware this is even happening. Without scamming and convincing of others however, we would not be into the products, the music, the clothing, and technology that runs our life. We would probably be a lot more wealthy, happier, out of debt and so fourth. We would be saving money because we wouldn't have to buy the best of the best, we wouldn't have to have the nicest of the nice and we wouldn't have to have the richest of the rich. So many reasons we are the way we are and they all go back to one word convinced.

#3 revised Expanding our knowledge

During the age of enlightenment we pulled away from our original beliefs through the church prolonging and expanding our knowledge of the world around us, with the help of applied science. We used to have faith in what we believed in and just knew it was correct. We went from having faith to wanting results, to answers, to proof on everything we came about. There was no just believing or having faith anymore. It was all accounted for and dealt with through science. This very technique we use today, as well with the help of science, they done in the 18h century. We are able to gain new and exciting knowledge about the world, universe, what's in it and beyond around us. With this knowledge gained, we as future graduates are able to work for and accept our degrees, to help us in our future employments. Before hand it used to be a privilege to go to college and get a degree. our parents and our parent's parents were fought if you went to school, done well, got a college degree you would then get a job. children now in the 21st century do not believe that. They don't see that they need a college degree to get a job and that just because you have a college degree does not guarantee you to have a job. However they are right. Just because children in the 21st century have a college degree it does not guarantee them to have a job, which is truly sad. Going to college and having a degree and graduating is a privilege and a great success, however instead of being rewarded with the job of your dreams, you are made to settle for who will take you and accept you at your time of graduation. Everyone is to busy looking ahead instead of focusing on whats is in front of them.It all relates to without the help of science we wouldn't be where we are today.

#1 revised All stories are not true

So far I am agreeing with Michael Ryan about everything I have read so far. From the criticism to the way of the human life to how norms can be universal. Then I come along how all stories are not true. How everyone has their own opinion and how the world came into existence, how it became what it is. Some people think the world was discovered by the first Americans, others believe animals were here and humans came from them, some believe the dinosaurs are the founder and created humans, then others believe in God,the actual God and his son Jesus; from the christian faith. They believe that God done this magical work and created a beautiful remarkable world for us to live in. Everyone has their own story, but not all of them can be true. The old saying goes "only one story can true" and "there's only one person to believe" However depending on what you believe and your religious standing, also depends on what or who you'll believe. I agree with God being the maker of this remarkable place we live in today. God is the maker and Creator of this earth and the living people, things, and animals on it. I was raised in church and kept around church growing up. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents are pastors. That, which plays a huge role on what I believe and why I believe it. Its all in what you believe and what you were taught to believe. Everyone has their own story and not every story is correct, however every ones story is true to themselves.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

#8 no ones equal

Why were African Americans chosen for slavery over any other race? After some research I found out that, Africans were used as slaves because they were looked down on and were resistant to malaria, a disease that had killed most native American slaves. Also, slavery existed in a different form in Africa, so African slave traders provided a a large supply to whites. I could never grasp why we even had slavery. Yes, I knew we had slavery, but couldn't understand why someone could not do their own work and take care of their own plantations. I strictly believe that everyone is equal and you should treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Instead in the fourteen hundreds slavery begun. Zinn states, "That even before the 1600 when slaves just begun, before Africans were stomped by it- literally and symbolically- the color black was distasteful." From the time African Americans were born they were hated and looked down upon. They were immediately put to work as soon as they could walk and they were sold, doing anything and everything they could to help their owners. Zinn also states, "In 1619 a million blacks had already been brought from Africa to South America and Caribbean to the Portuguese and Spanish Colonies, to work as slaves." Slaves were passed around from one plantation to another and were made to do work no white man would think twice about doing. Slavery was a harsh way of making someone live and work. Eventually African Americans were tired of being put through slavery, not going to the same school or store as whites, not drinking from the same water fountain, or even being able to sit where they want. African Americans began to take a stand for example, Rosa Parks set in the white section of the bus. She was tired from working all day and did not want to walk all the way to the back of the bus where she was allowed to sit. Rosa refused to get up out of the white section of the bus, she was thrown in jail for refusing to move to the black section of the bus. African Americans followed Rosa and began standing up for what they thought was wrong and what they were tired of. Matin Luther King Jr. had made a statement that I love and everyone else should always follow. Martin said, " no matter how much anyone hurt or done to you never hate them or be viloent. Always show love and kindness." Being nice to everyone, treating everyone the way you want to be treated, and seeing that everyone is equal should be the way everyone acts. I don't believe in slavery, hurting others, treating people differently, just because their a different color. Slavery was cruel and hurtful and unfair to everyone. I am glad for people who stood up for the fight against slavery, people like Martin Luther King Jr; who had a dream and the people who fought in the civil war because without these people slavery may still be going on today.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

#7 Bibliography

Honigman, Roberta and David J. Castle. Living With Your Looks. Crawley, Australia; University of Western Australia Press, 2007.

Grogan, Sarah. Body Image. New Fetter Lane, London; Routledge, 1999.

Fuller-Tyskiewicz, Matthew and Mussup, Alexander. "Examing the Dissociative Bassis for Body Image." International Journal of Psychology Studies vol 3.  Dec2011; p3-13.

Sarwer David B., Crerand Canice E, and Magee Leanne. "Body Dysmorphic Disorder Who Seek Appearence Enhancing Medical Treatments." Oral and Maxillofaceal Surgery Clinics of North America.
vol 22. nov2010; p445-453.

Kollei, Inei and  Brunhober, Stefan and Rauh, Elisabeth and De Zwaan, Martina and Martin, Alexandra. "Body Image, Emotions and Thought Control Strategies in Body Dysmorphic Disorder to Eating Disorders and Healthy Controls." Journal of Psychosomatic Research. vol 72, April2012; p 321-327

Swami, Viren. "Marked for life? Prospective Study of Tattoos on Appearence Anxiety and Dissatisfication, Perceptions of Uniqueness, and Self Esteem." Body Image vol 8. June2011; p237-244.

#6 Food is a Commodity

In the article "Food is a Commodity," Fred Magdoff is stating in the first three paragraphs that food is basic for human needs and survival, which pretty much states everything in those words. Words that really means so much. It is important for growth and development. In the article food is a commodity it starts out talking about how humans were hunters and gatherers, they would hunt and plant their own food, two thirds of the food was plant-based, nuts, fruit and berries. All crops and animals raised were sold. Humans would use there skills and knowledge to survive. They didn't depend on corporate systems or large systems of agriculture and agribusiness to make a living and to survive. They raised their own crops, sold their crops, raised their own animals and sold them as well. They depended on their self and their family to grow, raise, and sell the food, crops, and animals. Now that farming its self has been reduced, they are becoming subcontractors to large corporations. It is very hard to come by small farmers. Everything is shipped from different states or across seas. You truly never know how your food was raised or where your food came from. With small farmers you know that your food was raised where you was raised. You know your food is home grown, washed, and trusted. All you find in today's world is food that is mechanically processed, shipped, and full of preservatives. I am a small town girl who was raised and believes in small farmers and growers. I don't like not knowing where my food comes from, how it's raised, and what chemicals are used. I grow my own food, but have not always done so. I used to buy everything from the store and its completely different. The preservatives they use is enough for me. I couldn't imagine having to go back to eating food that I didn't grow myself or someone locally grew for us. Everything between items grew locally and items at stores that are shipped are so different. The taste, chemicals, how its raised, where its raised, where they store it. They have so many cons between them. Yes, food is a commodity but what is so wrong with growing your own food or having your food grown locally? Why does everything have to be processed and shipped from over seas? Everything is all about making a dollar and supplying the bigger companies. In my opinion its wrong and should be completely opposite. Everyone should take care of their own food. They should grow and produce what they need for their families and the community(if they sale it locally.) They should take care of their own survival. Not depend on companies to make your food and ship it to you. Farming its self should not have reduced over the years and the large companies of agribusiness shouldn't have stepped in. Humans should take care of their own survival like in the old days and the hell with this mechanically processed and shot up with preservative foods.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#5 SlutWalk

How do you define slut walk? A question Chloe and Ross Reynolds could not answer in their discussion among each other, because everyone has their own way of defining slutiness. Chloe responds to Reynolds "That everyone has their own idea and opinion of what it means and the real problem is the idea that slutiness causes rape, because slutiness doesn't cause rape." "Rapist cause rape." I have to say that I agree with Chloe and Reynolds, there really is no true definition for the word slut walk or slutiness. My opinion depends on how they dress, carry themselves, and act toward others. Where as my friends opinion may just be on what they are wearing. There is no true way of describing a slut in just one way. I also agree with Chloe about how rapist cause rape, however when it comes to a rapist picking a certain person to victimize they look for someone who's vulnerable, weak, putting themselves out there, someone wanting attention and most of all someone they can easily take advantage of. To me sluts are feminist who are dressing to show off improper parts of their body, feminist who are drawing attention to themselves and putting themselves out there for other human beings to look at. Yes! Rapist do the raping but the rapist have to have something that sets their victims out from everyone else. Something that draws them to their victims. I personally think that feminist should have more respect for their bodies and themselves than to dress and draw attention the way they do.
 Chloe also states "That slut shaming and victimizing is uncalled for and needs to stop." I could not say it any better than the way Chloe does. Slut shaming, dressing, slut walk, and most of all victimizing. It is all uncalled for and where as we can't really do much for how people act, dress, and carry themselves. We can do something about the rapist and victimizing and slut shaming that does goes on.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

#4 Political Contradiction

As reading the "Political Philosophy" I am learning that it is the study of politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and enforcement of legal codes by law. I learn that the right and freedoms it protects and why, what form it should take and why, what law is and how it refers to a general view or specific ethic political belief or attitude.
  However, I seem to disagree with the "Political Philosophy" because I see laws broke all the time, I see people trying to protect there rights and freedom, which just gets taken away, I see people trying to get justice and they never receive it. The Political Philosophy is doing nothing to protect the honest working people but the people who are law breakers and always trying to get away with something, like murder, rape, stealing, hit and run.
  I work at a kroger and I see people everyday trying to get away with buying something they truky dont need. I see people who make a wall with the same kind of pop, for example Mountain Dew.. They make a wall with the cases of pop and then stick laundry detergent, fabric softner, cans of vegatbles, packages of meat. Whatever they van get there hands on and will be hidden by the pop. They then go to the checkout acting like the only have pop, handing them one case to ring up for the amount they have in there buggy. The cashier paying no attention does not see all the other goodies they have placed in there buggy and they leave the store only paying $50 dollars for pop when they should have paid $200 for the goodies stached in between the cases of pop. Even if these shoplifters are caught they go to jail for a few months and then are released to continue doing the same job until they are caught again. This is just one of the many things I have noticed  and seen. People breaking laws can get away with pretty much anything because they know the tricks in and out of the laws.
  I have even heard of someone raping and murding their neighbor, they are in jail for a few months released on good behavior and sent to see a psych. Meanwhile we have them doing it all over again and they never learned a thing from being in jail. Instead they should treat them like they did to the neighbor they decided to rape and murder. If your punichment was the same thing as the crime or law you broke it would happen less often.
  What I am trying to say is the laws are suppose to be there to protect you and serve you as a person, a state, and a country. However, people breaking the laws are getting away with it while the people trying to make it week to week are struggling and cant get help. Somepeople look at the laws are made to be broken, others look at laws as a way to protect, others look at rules as something to live by.

Monday, August 27, 2012

#2 Convinced

As your reading "They Say" you are agreeing with everything Rushkoff  Douglas is saying. You are agreeing with how you are scammed into thinking what others think, to buy more than you know you don't have the money for, and to look through the eyes of  how others see. The whole time your reading, you are agreeing with him noticing that the same situations happen to you on an everyday basis. Then coming to the end of the article you realized, he just scammed you the way you are scammed in every day life. I start to laugh and realize, that some how, some way this just isn't fair. But how is it fair for everyone to do it on a daily basis to people they don't even know? How can people draw your attention to an object and then convince you that, this is the product you have needed in your life from day one? Its so crazy to think how this is done every single day of your life and until someone like this author brings it to your attention, you are never really aware this is even happening. Without scamming and convincing of others however, we would not be into the products, the music, the clothing, and technology that runs our life. We would probably be a lot more wealthy, happier, out of debt and so fourth. We would be saving money because we wouldn't have to buy the best of the best, we wouldn't have to have the nicest of the nice and we wouldn't have to have the richest of the rich. So many reasons we are the way we are and they all go back to one word convinced.

Top Right Libertarian

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#3 science: expanding our knowledge

   During the age of enlightenment we pulled away from our original beliefs through the church prolonging and expanding our knowledge of the world around us, with the help of applied science. We used to have faith in what we believed in and just knew it was correct. We went from having faith to wanting results, to answers, to proof on everything we came about. There was no just believing or having faith anymore. It was all accounted for and dealt with through science. This very technique we use today, as well with the help of science, they done in the 18h century. We are able to gain new and exciting knowledge about the world, universe, what's in it and beyond around us. With this knowledge gained, we as future graduates are able to work for and accept our degrees, to help us in our future employments. Before hand it used to be a privilege to go to college and get a degree. our parents and our parent's parents were fought if you went to school, done well, got a college degree you would then get a job. children now in the 21st century do not believe that. They don't see that they need a college degree to get a job and that just because you have a college degree does not guarantee you to have a job. However they are right. Just because children in the 21st century have a college degree it does not guarantee them to have a job, which is truly sad. Going to college and having a degree and graduating is a privilege and a great success, however instead of being rewarded with the job of your dreams, you are made to settle for who will take you and accept you at your time of graduation.  Everyone is to busy looking ahead instead of focusing on whats is in front of them.It all relates to without the help of science we wouldn't be where we are today.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#1 All Stories Are Not True

So far I am agreeing with the Michael Ryan about everything I have read so far. From the criticism to the way of the human life to how norms can be universal. Then I come along how all stories are not true. How everyone has their own opinion and how the world came into existence, how it became what it is. Some people think the world was discovered by the first Americans, others believe animals were here and humans came from them, some believe the dinosaurs are the founder and created humans, then others believe in God,the actual God and his son Jesus; from the christian faith. They believe that God done this magical work and created a beautiful remarkable world for us to live in. Everyone has their own story, but not all of them can be true. The old saying goes "only one story can true" and "there's only one person to believe" However depending on what you believe and your religious standing, also depends on what or who you'll believe. I agree with God being the maker of this remarkable place we live in today. God is the maker and Creator of this earth and the living people, things, and animals on it. I was raised in church and kept around church growing up. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents are pastors. That, which plays a huge role on what I believe and why I believe it. Its all in what you believe and what you were taught to believe. Everyone has their own story and not every story is correct, however every ones story is true to themselves.